You can see more of them by pressing CTRL+K CTRL+S (another chord). This kind of keyboard shortcut is called a chord in VS Code. To change the language mode for the active file, simply press CTRL+K once and then press M after releasing the previous keys. py file or have selected the language mode for the active file as Python.

Remember that the Python extension only works if you open a. Now that you have finished setting up VS Code, you can go ahead and create a new Python file. The Extensions tab in the left-hand sidebar. Search for the 'Python' extension published by Microsoft and click on Install. Once VS Code is installed, head over to the Extensions tab in the sidebar on the left by clicking on it or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+X. On Linux distributions that support Snaps, you can do it by typing sudo snap install code -classic. If you are on a Raspberry Pi (with Raspberry Pi OS), you can also install VS Code by simply typing sudo apt install code.

Setup Visual Studio Codeįirst, head over to to and grab the installer for your specific platform. Both pip (or pip3) and venv are distributed as separate packages on Ubuntu/Debian and can also be installed by typing sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv. On Ubuntu/Debian, this can be done by typing sudo apt install python3. If it returns an error, you need to install it from your distribution's repository. If you are on Linux, you can check if Python is already installed on your machine by typing python3 -version in a terminal. Make sure that you select the option to Add Python to PATH during installation (via the installer). Python is also available for installation via Microsoft Store on Windows devices. You can do this by going to and grabbing the specific installer for either Windows or macOS. In case you haven't already done this, Python needs to be installed on the development machine. Visual Studio is a fully-fledged IDE that is mainly geared towards Windows application development using C# and the. Visual Studio Code is not to be confused with Visual Studio, which is a separate product also offered by Microsoft. This article will guide you through how to set up Visual Studio Code, which is a popular free-to-use, cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft, in order to develop Python applications. That makes it important to choose the right tools for your project. Your development environment setup will determine how easy it is to develop and maintain your projects over time. Setting up a working development environment is the first step for any project.